We are FUHR


Gruppenbild von FUHR-Auszubildenden, Ausbildung bei FUHR: Wir bieten kaufmännische und gewerblich-technische Ausbildungsstellen in der Schloss- und Beschlag-Industrie an.

Open doors for talent 

We are part of the Schlüsselregion e.V. training initiative and offer interesting apprenticeships in an exciting industry. Every year, we give school-leavers the chance to complete professional training in various areas, offering places in both commercial and industrial-technical fields.

We work as closely as possible with the technical college in Niederberg and collaborate with the Gemeinschaftslehrwerkstatt (community training workshop) in Velbert and Rheinkalk’s Lhoist Trainings Center. Our apprentices get to gain experience across various different departments based on the discipline of their training. Depending on demand, we also offer dual study programmes in cooperation with the Velbert/Heiligenhaus campus. 


Training quality at FUHR means:

  • Young and qualified contact partners in all departments
  • A rich variety of tasks and responsibilities 
  • Acquisition of exciting professional skills with a focus on practical experience
  • Dedicated support from instructors and HR department
  • Engaging work in a friendly, familial atmosphere 

Current vacancies at FUHR Deutschland

Our cooperation partners